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Alisha Dozier

Burning red flags in a relationship!

Updated: Aug 15

Now nobody is perfect, and we have to be okay with that, but some of these things are a big fat NOPE!


-if other people seem unsure or have doubts-ask them why and listen (he/she may show them a different side or maybe they see something you are missing)

-are they negative or judgmental towards others (over time, they will just as quickly be negative and judgmental to you)

-do they have poor relationships with numerous people, such as children, parents, siblings (can they take accountability for their part and manage relationships with people they have differing beliefs or do they cut and run too fast)

-limited long-term friendships and falling outs with multiple people (inability to problem solve, have empathy, trust or change)

-frequently bouncing from job to job or poor credit history (can indicate irresponsible and unreliable or a lack of integrity when dealing with money, people etc.)

-active addiction to drugs, sex, money or rock and roll (j/k about the last one)

-if they are controlling or take into account your wants and needs (um hum..., do they listen and respond to your wants and needs?)

-you want to change them or believe you can help them to reach their full potential (Most likely, this is who they are and who they will fall back to once you stop putting all your time and energy into helping them. You should not be trying to change a person into what you want them to be.)

​-if they are critical, verbally abusive, talk down to you, intimidate you or are ever physical with you (run, run fast, run like you are being chased, because some day you might be)

-if they won't hear your side of the story and default to making things your fault (there are two sides to every story, and your perspective is just as important as theirs)

-frequent involvement in the court system for anything preventable (legal problems, lawsuits, etc.)

And IMHO the two final big deal breakers that you can't explain away...

If you would not want your children to be like them or they are mean to pets, children or waiters

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